Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Photo or Two

A close friend, Sherry, said I should post a photo from each county visited on my 'around-the-world trip.' I don't know if I am organized enough to actually do that. But, there are a few I would like to share - some countries with no images, but others with multiple.

So, I will offer up a few of my favorites, and continue to add them as they rise to my attention.

Chefchaouen, Morocco  2015
Chefchaouen, Morocco  2015
David Imper, Cannon Beach, Oregon  2016
Installation - Split, Croatia  2015
For those who enjoy serious black and white photography, I would like to recommend a website hosted by Ernie Flowers, called "Seattle B&W Gallery." His latest posting is a series he took in Vinegar Hill, North Carolina. The link below will send you there. But be sure to check out his other postings. Another artist featured on his site is Jim Coley, also based in Seattle. His series titled, "Stories From the Street," is pulled from his years of documenting the pulse of everyday life found in the heart of Seattle.
